AWS 07

Aquilla Wellness Solutions offers workshops, webinars and training to enhance professional development. We also make practical tools available to demystify trauma and help you to understand emotions. These tools form part of Barbara Louw's PhD research.

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The stress scale already proofed to be very popular and the first batch sold out at the World trauma Day Seminar. New stock arrived over the weekend.

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The Choc-Icon cards is a set of 70 cards, categorized in the 4 main groups of emotions, to assist you to identify and verbalize emotions. This is a great tool for therapists to assist the client to empower the client to identify their own feeling, to decide which feelings need to change and to choose a prefered outcome.

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My Storyboard game is a powerful tool to assist people to start talking about what happened or what is really important in their lives. This A3 poster comes with 14 round tokens to assist the direction of each unique story.

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Our Keycards and keyholders have proven to be valuable tools when helping people put the trauma behind them.

New tools and a children's series of books will be available soon.


Book your online or in-person appointment today.





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